Article I: Name, Description, and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The name of our Club is Florida Flamingles LTV Travelers Club.
Section 2: Description
The Club is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 3: Purpose
Our Club aims to enable and support Leisure Travel Vans (LTV) recreational vehicle owner activities in Florida, promote good fellowship, educate participants, and conduct other mutual travel activities.
Article II: Membership
The Members of the Florida Flamingles LTV Travelers Club are owners of LTV Recreational Vehicles who register with Leisure Travel Vans and the Florida Flamingles LTV Travelers Club.
Article III: Officers
Section 1: Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the following Officers: Leader (President), Treasurer, and Secretary. One person can hold multiple Officer positions. The President can appoint other members to assume roles on the Executive Board such as Registrar/Member Relations, Chief Technical Officer, etc.
Section 2: Term of office
The term of office for all officers is one year (with a limit of no more than two consecutive years, then requiring re-election), beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the same year. Elections for the upcoming year will be held during the Business Meeting at the Fall Rally.
Section 3: Qualifications
Any Member of the Florida Flamingles LTV Travelers Club who is 18 or older.
Section 4: Officer Removal
An Officer can be removed from office by a majority vote of the members.
Section 5: Vacancy
Members can nominate fellow club members to fill any officer vacancy. An Officer elected to fill a vacancy is selected for the remainder of the term of their predecessor.
Section 6: Volunteer Leadership Duties
President: The Club Leader will preside at all club meetings, serve as the club's official representative, and retain all official local records and property of the Florida Flamingles LTV Travelers Club.
Treasurer: The Treasurer will serve as custodian of the Club’s finances, collect revenue, pay authorized expenses, and hold all financial records.
Secretary: The Secretary will record the minutes of the meetings and make these available to Members.
Registrar/Member Relations: (appointed) The Registrar/Member Relations volunteer will be responsible for the club membership database and rally/event registration activities.
Chief Technical Officer: (appointed) The Chief Technical Officer assists in developing and presenting technical/educational sessions.
Website Coordinator: (appointed) The Website Coordinator manages changes and updates on the Florida Flamingles website.
Section 7: Club Meetings
The Club will meet at least twice per year (Spring and Fall), but at a minimum, once a year. Meetings will typically take place in the form of in-person rally events (or, if not possible, via teleconference).
Article IV: Financial Policies
Section 1: Fiscal Year
The Association’s fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31 of the same year.
Section 2: Banking
All funds must be kept in a checking account in the name of the Club. The President and Treasurer shall both be authorized signers on the account. The organization will also manage its expenses using a bank-authorized credit card to make purchases for rally events on behalf of the membership.
Section 3: Approvals
The Club Leader (President or Treasurer) is authorized to spend up to $500 on expenses directly related to the operational needs of the club without membership approval. Exceptions to this policy will be for Food and Beverage related rally costs. Any individual F&B vendor invoices over $15,000 will require approval by a majority vote of the Club members present at a rally meeting.
Section 4: Reporting
All financial transactions will be recorded in an electronic accounting system. The Treasurer will reconcile all accounts and provide financial reports to the membership at each rally meeting.
Section 5: Contracts
Only the Club Leader (President) or the Club Leader’s designee has the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the Club.
Article V: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members at a rally meeting.
Article VI: Dissolution
In the event of the Club’s dissolution, any remaining funds shall be donated to a tax-exempt organization.
These bylaws were adopted on this day, 11/5/2023.
Gary Oster, President
Paul Kehoe, Treasurer
Sheryl Kittrell, Secretary